Terry J

Terry J

Born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I graduated from Louisiana State University (LSU) and yes, I bleed Purple and Gold. Love food! I try to...Full Bio


Cafeteria Workers Accused Of Stealing Almost $500,000 In Lunch Money

Lunch lady sisters steal nearly $500,000 from Connecticut school cafeterias

NEW CANAAN, Conn. — Two sisters who supervised two school cafeterias in Connecticut have been charged in an alleged scheme that netted over $500,000 in stolen lunch money, according to WTIC.

Joanne Pascarelli, 61, and her sister, 67-year-old Marie Wilson, turned themselves in to authorities over the weekend on multiple charges including larceny and defrauding the public.

Officials said the scheme may have lasted 15 years.

When the new system was introduced, the amount of cash taken during lunch increased significantly without an increase in the numbers of meals served. The average daily cash intake went from below $40 to $150 a day.

Officials said $137,682 was stolen from the middle school and $350,906 from the high school from 2012 to 2017. Police were unable to investigate prior to 2012 due to the statute of limitations.

Full story at whnt.com

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