Terry J

Terry J

Born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I graduated from Louisiana State University (LSU) and yes, I bleed Purple and Gold. Love food! I try to...Full Bio


Canada Is Home To The First Beer Brewed Entirely With Marijuana

Is it possible to be drunk and high at the same time?!  

The good people of Canada finally realized it might be time to take a more rational approach to weed when they voted to make it legal across the country starting this fall. Plenty of entrepreneurs have kicked their minds into high gear in an attempt to take advantage of the emerging market— including one company that’s created a one-of-a-kind product that’ll take you to a pretty fun place.

Scientists in a small Ontario laboratory are testing enzymes and experimenting with fermentation. Their techniques are not new, but their focus is a first. They are developing what is being described as the world’s first beer brewed from cannabis.

Most cannabis beers on the market are brewed from barley and infused with marijuana oil, according to Dooma Wendschuh of Province Brands, the Toronto startup behind the product. “That’s not what we do. Our beer is brewed from the stalks, stem and roots of the cannabis plant.”

The major difference here is that Province’s product contains barely any alcohol but each bottle packs a punch of 6.5 mg of THC (which means you probably don’t want to crush a six-pack in one sitting unless you’re a seasoned veteran).

The beer is the brainchild of Dooma Wendschuh, who left the comfort of Miami for Toronto right before legalization was voted into effect. He described the flavor and potency, saying:

“The flavour is dry, savoury, less sweet than a typical beer flavour. The beer hits you very quickly, which is not common for a marijuana edible.”

Full article on Brobible and The Gaurdian.

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