Terry J

Terry J

Born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I graduated from Louisiana State University (LSU) and yes, I bleed Purple and Gold. Love food! I try to...Full Bio


Have Annoying Friends On The IG But Can't UnFollow? There's A Solution!

There is nothing worse than checking your IG to see whats poppin with everybody that you follow and every 3rd picture is of your one friend who is just doing the most on your timeline.  They post about EVERYTHING!!!!!  

They post their favorite lotion, they screenshot ant post about posting etc...  but they are your friend but you don't want to hurt their feelings but you also are tired of seeing their crap!  Well their is a solution for that!

According to Time, Instagram will be gradually rolling out the feature in the coming weeks. Silencing someone is pretty straightforward— the “mute” button will now accompany the “block” and “unfollow” options when you click on a picture or account (you can also mute Stories if you happen to follow people who insist on documenting every single aspect of their life).

You’ll still be able to DM muted peers and view their account if the spirit moves you, which means you won’t have to deal with petty passive aggressiveness because you got sick of seeing vacation pictures from someone whose parents are paying for them to travel the globe.

It’s about damn time.

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