Terry J

Terry J

Born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I graduated from Louisiana State University (LSU) and yes, I bleed Purple and Gold. Love food! I try to...Full Bio


Taylor Calls Out Kim K During Her Show Last Night

Taylor Swift and Katy Perry feud may finally be over but the one between Taylor Swift and Kim Kardashian-West is still alive and well!  How do we know you ask?

During Taylor Swifts Reputation tour that kicked of last night, she has this to say while on stage.

"A couple of years ago, someone called me a snake on social media and it caught on. And then a lot of people called me a lot of names on social media," Taylor said. "And I went through some really low times for a while because of it. I went through some times when I didn’t know if I was gonna get to do this anymore and I guess the snakes… I wanted to send a message to you guys that if someone uses name calling to bully you on social media and even if a lot of people jump on board with it, that doesn’t have to beat you. It can strengthen you instead."

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