Terry J

Terry J

Born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I graduated from Louisiana State University (LSU) and yes, I bleed Purple and Gold. Love food! I try to...Full Bio


Submit Your Best Pic Of April For Chance To Win Awesome Prize

We feel as though you sending up a pic of you doing amazing things would encourage others to get our and Live A Great Story! We are a group of people that are all about living life!  So we decided the best way to give them away were for others to share with us your BEST PICTURE of APRIL!  

RULES: The picture has to be from your phone and you have to have proof that you took the picture or were apart of that moment that you captured!

**IMPORTANT** Once your name is called on the radio you have 5 minutes to call (404) 741-9610 to claim your tickets.  Fail to do so and we will move on!

The below picture is of last month's winner

Let's find a new winner for the month of APRIL!!!!  Good luck!!

Congratulations to this month's best pics of the Month Whitney and Lexy!!  Pics above!

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