Dorcas Atsea and Deborah Atoh, two final-year students at Benue State University, told CNN their weddings had already been planned before their Media Ethics and Law exam date was fixed. It appears nothing was going to stop them from attending both. [Twitter]
The pictures of these women in their wedding dresses screams dedication and the willingness to see it through. So much goes into planning a wedding. For many, that day is sacred and nothing over shadows that day. Many couples have been planning for this one day for more than a year. Many have dreamed of this one day since they were young.
Scrapbooks of how they want their weddings to go, from the floral arrangement whether they will be real or fake to the color of the wedding and the type paper the wedding programs will be printed on.
Locking down a venue can be a real task and for many the perfect place many times is only available on that certain day which can be a totally different stressful situation all in its self!
Imagine that you have gone through this whole process and then you find out that on this day, not just any day but one of the most memorable moments of your life you have an exam on that very same day!
For these two ladies, this law exam was concrete and could not be moved even for a wedding. So what did these two ladies do? What any other strong minded and determined would have done.
They made the best of the situation and like a boss, showed up in their wedding gowns in their dresses to take the test and then off they were to get married! Here's to you ladies! Hopefully you did amazing on your law exams and had the best day of your lives because you deserved it!