Terry J

Terry J

Born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I graduated from Louisiana State University (LSU) and yes, I bleed Purple and Gold. Love food! I try to...Full Bio


A Superhero Shoe Brand For Kids Includes A Cape With Every Order

Saw this and this was the coolest thing I have seen in a long time!  

Super Heroic, a company started by ex-Nike designer Jason Mayden, is a children's shoe company with a goal of convincing every kid that they're a superhero, capable of solving problems and saving the world. [Twitter]

The shoes looking at the designs for the shoes look both stylish for kids and functional.  Colors look as if they mimic many of kids and adults alike favorite superheros such as The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man, The Flash, Superman, Wonder Woman and more! 

Look how adorable this video is of this little kid playing his toys!  If you have kids it makes you want to go buy these shoes for them and if you don't it make you want to buy them for a little one you know! Or if you are a big kid you just kinda wish your feet were small enough to have a pair yourself! LOL

In a recent interview CEO Jason Mayden of Super Heroic had this to say:

“I expected difficulties to come from the day to day tasks of being at home. But the real difficulties lay in the skepticism from my peers in the design industry. People had trouble understanding my choice to leave a prominent position in corporate America for the sake of the wellbeing of my child. Some speculated that I was going to a competitor. I felt shunned by the industry, discarded, even seen  as a traitor.

“I know that their judgmental perspectives were bound to a lack of knowledge. I was confident that my decision could endure a temporary rebuff from an industry that I deeply love. I decided to remain centered and calm. Ultimately, it was the right decision for our family. It helped me to focus on what mattered to me most: the preservation of childhood creativity and innocence. I decided to focus on building stronger children, rather than fixing broken adults. I decided to dedicate my life to the protection and well-being of all children—not just my own.

Click below to read the full interview!

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