Terry J

Terry J

Born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I graduated from Louisiana State University (LSU) and yes, I bleed Purple and Gold. Love food! I try to...Full Bio


Kids Have Mouth Of Sailers After Whale Gets Caught On Their Hooks! **NSFW**

They are in the middle of the ocean fishing and this is probably one of my biggest fears.  Being out in the middle of what where you no longer are in control of anything around you except the boat you are in.  You can't see below you and you can't see what is swimming right under your feet.  

Many people go out into the waters to see whales swim in their patterns and it is most likely a majestic thing but what happens when you get one caught on your line and you piss it off. It is only you and Moby Dick at that point and if it wanted to crush you and bring you under that is it.  You are a goner.

These kids seemed like they had a mixed reaction of what I would have experienced.  Excitement to see the whale mixed with WTF!!!! LOL

My reaction after the whale surfaced! LOL  What would have been your response?  What would you have said to the kids after hearing them? LOL 

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