Terry J

Terry J

Born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I graduated from Louisiana State University (LSU) and yes, I bleed Purple and Gold. Love food! I try to...Full Bio


DEBATE: Should He Have Tried Help Or Let Nature Run Its Course? **NSFW**

Over the weekend in Little 5 Points I observed a hawk swooping down to catch it's prey which was assumed to be some kind of rodent.  No one felt bad for the rodent, everyone was just pretty amazed at the hawk swooping down, how majestic but powerful it looked.

No one said,"Hey let's help this poor mouse!"

So yesterday after talking about the encounter of the hawk in Little 5 Points on the radio I told my dad about  it.  He brought to my attention the video that went viral from Baton Rouge (where Terry J is from) where a guy video taped a hawk swooping in or the poor kitty.  

** WARNING If you are a cat lover this is not for you, does not end well! WARNING**

After watching the video I felt conflicted, I wanted to help the poor kitty but at the same time looking at the size of the hawk I kinda felt like the kitty was on it's own.

Some of the comments in the video suggest that the man should have done more than just video tape the kitty being attacked, others suggest that this is nature running it's course and that he did the right thing and stayed out of it.

Where do you fall on this situation?  Tweet us @poweratl #PKintheMorning

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