Terry J

Terry J

Born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I graduated from Louisiana State University (LSU) and yes, I bleed Purple and Gold. Love food! I try to...Full Bio


Woman Trying To Take Selfie, Knocks Over $200,000 Worth Of Art Work! Ooops!

She was a visitor of the 14th Factory in Los Angeles, California when this lady found artwork that spoke to her.  So much so that she had to take a selfie next to it.  She squatted next to it found the right angle and took the picture.  Perfect!

Then she rose up from her squatted position and all that booty got in the way knocking over the precious artwork causing a domino affect!  

My question is, if the artwork is work that much, why weren't there any railing or some sort of divider between the guest and the artwork. It is $200,000 worth of material, there should have been something in place.

I get it, she is a grown woman and should know better but still.  If I were that woman I would have sh*t bricks!

A live look at the curator of the art gallery.

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