There is something to be said for trying to lose weight on the other side of 30. I remember when I was younger all the things that I could do, not saying that I can't do those things anymore but my body has changed a lot.
These days I can blink and gain weight and it feels like it takes a year just to lose 1 pound. I don't help myself out by comparing my body to people I see in the streets, magazines, tv and social media. Learning to stay focused on myself is one of the hardest challenges I faced.
Doing it for myself proving that I can do it and keeping it up That is what I want.
When I first moved here back in 2011, I was fresh out of college a 25-year-old who weighed in at 175lbs! LOL That seems so long ago. I don't think I will ever get back to that weight but I would like to at least get back somewhere between 200 and 210lbs.
Looked at my BMI readings at the end of Week 1s workout and this is what it said...
According to that scale behind the machine I am in the middle of Average so I have a ways to go! I would like to from the yellow/orange sector to the green/blue sector.
Each week follow my journey, my struggles and triumphs! Let's do this together!
You can see what's happening in my life real time on Snapchat: @Terryjonair and if you have tips pointers or words of encouragement you can drop me a line on this page or tweet me @Terryjonair!