Terry J

Terry J

Born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I graduated from Louisiana State University (LSU) and yes, I bleed Purple and Gold. Love food! I try to...Full Bio


"Go Back To China" Woman Screams At Employees Serving Her

Watching this video makes me so angry.  This world that we live in we share together.  Yes we are separated by countries but that is only physically.  Telling people to go back where they came from is extremely offensive.

These people work hard and go about their everyday lives trying to make a live just like everyone else.  You go to their restaurant not just for the food but the environment it creates.

Watching this video you can understand the people trying to help her and they were not at any point being rude or disrespectful.  She then takes it a step further by creating laws that do not exist and trying to tell them to abide by those rules.  

This woman is truly a piece of work.  If I were those workers I would have refused servicing this woman and simply told her....

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