Terry J

Terry J

Born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I graduated from Louisiana State University (LSU) and yes, I bleed Purple and Gold. Love food! I try to...Full Bio


Pictures Show Father/Daughter Walk To School Come Full Circle 12 Years Later

When @BrittanyGayer shared photos of her dad walking with her on her first and last day of school, some got misty-eyed, while others were mystified by her Benjamin Button-like father. (via Twitter)

Simply beautiful.  This moment is something this young woman will take with her for the rest of her life.  The father and how proud I am sure he must be looking at his daughter 12 years later all grown up and completing the journey they started when they first started their walk.

I am not going to lie looking at those pictures had me like...

Potatum I was right there with you.

then I looked at the father in both pictures and I was like wait what?!

Dad looked like he got younger throughout the years lol and apparently I wasn't the only person to notice.

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