Terry J

Terry J

Born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I graduated from Louisiana State University (LSU) and yes, I bleed Purple and Gold. Love food! I try to...Full Bio


This Student Just Became LEGENDARY For ‘The Office’ Quote In Her Yearbook

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Photo: Imgur

Many years from now when you are no longer walking through the halls of your high school.  When the sounds of clanging metal from lockers opening and closing cease to exist.  The hustle and bustle of kids carrying books and book sacs much larger than their underdeveloped bodies could dare to carry stops.

How will you be remembered?  Your picture immortalized for years to come and that defining moment when you are asked what quote do you want to be remembered by for everyone to see?  

This is that defining moment, there are your jokesters, your mushy words of encouragement and then their are those who transcend everybody and become legends in their own right.

Student Amber, lover of the show "The Office" had words on her way out the door. She didn't want to just leave a quote the old-fashioned way.  Surely if she would have just tried to write that out for everyone to see faculty and staff would have flagged it down and omitted it.

Instead she Trojan-horse the sh*t out of them and made you do research as to what  "The Office, Season 7 episode 19, minute 14:45" read. 

Click play! LOL

I feel like this would have made Deadpool proud. Amber, you are the true MVP! LOL

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