Terry J

Terry J

Born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I graduated from Louisiana State University (LSU) and yes, I bleed Purple and Gold. Love food! I try to...Full Bio


2-On-1 Road Rage Fight And The Car With 2 Guys Has A Bat! Things Get Real... Fast!

People drive crazy all the time in Atlanta and there are times where I just want to go postal on someone but the cooler side of me prevails and I let it go!  Watching this video I could understand why the guy in car 1 was p*ssed off.

Car 2 was impatient and just honking his horn which could be very irritating and distracting to the person trying to make the proper decision on the road.

Dude gets out the car and things get dramatically intense in an end that I did not see coming!  My dude went all Liam Neeson on that ass!  DAMN!  He rear naked choked a dude out!

Me after watching that road rage video!

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