Here is the problem that I run into when looking at pictures online for fashion inspiration. The items or the style that you want as far as hair color or clothing most times will not look on you like it looks on the model.
Hair in particular scares me because I feel as though it is not something that you can control and for the most part will turn out different every time.
Their are so many factors that going into trying to replicate hair trends you see in magazines. The stylist, type of hair and other factors.
Looking at this "blorange" color, to me it looks like it is either light pink or just plain orange, rose gold at best!
These people decided to try the new trend.
Not too shabby!
I just see pink streaks here! But at least she's happy!
More pink....and for others it is just an excuse to let old styles wash out! LOL
What ever the reason is, the summertime is approaching give it try and see what happens! You can always chop it off!!! JK JK JK - Terry J