Terry J

Terry J

Born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I graduated from Louisiana State University (LSU) and yes, I bleed Purple and Gold. Love food! I try to...Full Bio


Selena Gomez Answers 73 Questions In This Weirdly Cute Video

In a day and age where everything you want to know is pretty much accessible at your fingertips.  This interview Selena Gomez does just goes to show you that you don't know EVERYTHING about your favorite artist.

PK's female celebrity crush Selena Gomez is looking very adorable in the video BTW.  Yes, I can see it PK you are correct she is very pretty. - Terry J

I will say that when I first started watching the video, one of the first questions asked to Selena was basically asking her what does she find herself doing a lot of these days?  Her response was playing Heads Up!????

After that was her response I had to check the time response of the video because I feel like people were playing that years ago!  Case and point... 

Not gonna lie, that is a fun game though.  Side note: Ellen is really good at that game!

Getting back on subject, one of the more intriguing answers of the interview.  

Selena was asked the question if you could go back and tell your fifteen-year-old self something what would it be? 

She replies,"Go ahead and do it!  You are going to do it later anyway!" Then she chuckles.  What at that point could she have been referring too?!

My mind instantly starts racing...  What do you think she was referring to?  

If this was your interview and you had just 5 questions, what would you ask Selena?

Terry J's Top 5 Questions For Selena Gomez

1.)  You get to see a side of Able/The Weeknd that most are not privilege to see, what was it about him that made you want to date him?

2.)  What was the last really good movie that you have seen?

3.)  If you had to choose one to STOP doing, which would it be, performing or creating?

4.)  If you see kids in your future, how many do you want?

5.)  What makes you happiest the most in life?

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