Terry J

Terry J

Born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I graduated from Louisiana State University (LSU) and yes, I bleed Purple and Gold. Love food! I try to...Full Bio


WATCH As Driver Sees Life Flash Before His Eyes As He Was Almost On The Bad End Of A Police Car Chase! **NSFW**

Watching this video raised so many questions for me!  First and foremost I feel as though this is like the 3rd cop car chase I have seen this month! It's March 9th people!!

Secondly is it common to have a dash cam and not be a police officer?

I digress, when you seen this video and how close that car comes to crashing into this man you probably would have the same reaction too! LOL  This was definitely an OH SH*@ moment!

Watching it from a 3rd party view safely on a chair in the studio I am able to laugh at this situation.  Had I been in the car with him I would have needed a new pair or undies! STAT!  

I probably would have said every curse word known to man and probably would have made up a few of them as well!

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