Terry J

Terry J

Born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I graduated from Louisiana State University (LSU) and yes, I bleed Purple and Gold. Love food! I try to...Full Bio


People Are Really Upset With Beast In Human Form From Beauty And The Beast And Here Is Why!

So many people are excited to see the Disney's highly anticipated new movie Beauty and the Beast. From what I have seen in the trailers it looks like it should be good, the graphics looks amazing and it's just a classic.  

In the trailers I have only seen the Beast form of the prince in the movie.  Just like most Disney movies the Prince once revealed in human form is suppose to be the cream of the crop, the creme de la creme. He is suppose to be prince charming.  

According to an out pour on twitter with displeasure, apparently Disney did not get that memo! LOL

Twitter has no chill! LMAO!

Which makes me ask the question, what actor would have been your top choice for Prince Charming?

For acting sake my first would have been Zac Efron for a plot twist and my close second for prince charming would have been Shawn Mendes! - Terry J

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