While we’re always hearing about dog parents who love to pamper their pooches, cat owners are just as dedicated to their furry felines. And while cats can live anywhere, it turns out there are some areas of the country better suited for cat lovers.
- Today is International Cat Day, and in honor of the occasion, Lawn Starter just came out with their list of 2022’s Best Cities for Cat Lovers.
- They looked at 200 of the largest U.S. cities on 14 factors of cat-friendliness, including access to vet offices, feline-friendly rental properties, number of cat cafes and more.
- With that in mind, Orlando, Florida tops the list as the most cat-friendly city, scoring a 58.10, and landing on top for cat care, and 21 for cat access.
- It’s particularly good for cat lovers because it has the highest number of cat sitters and boarding options, and comes in second for the most pet stores and cat-friendly hotels.
Top 10 Best Cities for Cat Lovers
(click here for the complete list)
- Orlando, FL
- Scottsdale, AZ
- Knoxville, TN
- Fort Lauderdale, FL
- Fort Collins, CO
- Salem, OR
- Richmond, VA
- Las Vegas, NV
- Savannah, GA
- Murfreesboro, TN
Source: LawnStarter