Everyone knows about product shortages of all kinds in recent times, but now it appears that the donuts at Dunkin may be next on the list to be in short supply. Some Reddit sleuths have reported that blueberry cake donuts and Munchkins are hard to find at some Dunkin’ locations. Here are a couple of their posts:
- U/Remarkable_one_5242 said “I work in a metro Memphis, TX store and we have been out of blueberry cake donuts/munchkins for WEEKS.”
- u/Less_Yam6954 commented “I work at a store in Indiana. We haven’t had them either. Customers are not happy about it. Yesterday, we ended baking some that we had in the freezer.”
Speculation about the shortages goes from saying they may have been discontinued, a delivery schedule problem or a general shortage. Finally, to add a little humor, another Redditor said “wanting those Munchkins and not being able to have any is a legit medical condition.”
Source: mashed