

I laugh at my own jokes so you won’t have to, but you probably will because I’m hilarious. Full Bio


1/3 Of People Get The "Ick" When Dating Due To Their Date's Voice

Never heard of the “ick?” It’s that feeling where one minute you’re totally attracted to someone and the next you’re borderline repulsed by them. How does this happen? Well, new research from “Tinder” is revealing that a reason people can get the “ick” is because of their date’s voice!

The survey of 1,001 18 to 24-year-olds showed that:

  • 27% have gotten the “ick” because of a date’s voice
  • 24% said they could develop deeper feelings for their date from their voice
  • 49% said they’ve been swayed due to the way their date talks
  • 16% admitted to speaking more softly because of this
  • 14% said they do try to “sound sexier”
  • 10% have tried to make their voice deeper when on a date
  • 9% have tried to sound “posher”


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