Ever find out something about the person you’re in love with that changes EVERYTHING? It happened to a young woman on TikTok who goes by @priscilluhhbaby and it all started with a simple Internet search. In a series of videos, she explains that she and her boyfriend had been dating for a year and a half and had just gone on vacation together, where he claimed he’d lost his phone. After they returned, she didn’t hear from him for a few days and he doesn’t have any social media accounts, so Pris says she randomly decided to Google him.
In the first video, she drops the bomb that her Google search led her to a Target baby registry with his name listed as the dad of a now six-month-old baby. In a follow up video, she gives more details, including that the guy has a unique name, so she didn’t think it could be a coincidence and the registry was from a couple towns over. Pris now had the mother of the baby’s name, so she searched for her Instagram and Facebook accounts and found he was very much still involved with his baby mama.
After seeing photos from the maternity shoot and newborn photos with her boyfriend and his other family, she tried to confront him, but he blocked her. So she didn’t get to hear his side of the story, but she did hear from the mother of his child. They compared notes and it turns out, they started dating him at the same time and the other woman got pregnant after a few months. But instead of ending things with Pris, he continued to pursue a relationship with both of them and they had no idea the other one existed. She says she thought she was going to spend the rest of her life with this two-timer, but now realizes the “whole relationship was a lie.”