Who doesn’t love getting a birthday gift, especially from someone they love? Well, apparently this guy doesn’t, and it’s left his girlfriend baffled.
A women recently shared on Reddit that for her boyfriend’s 21stbirthday she bought him a video game he wanted and a T-shirt, but she didn’t get quite the reaction she was hoping for. Instead of thanking her she says he began “ignoring” her.
"I asked him what was wrong and he finally said it was unfair that I got him birthday presents because now he's going to have to get me something for my birthday and that I am being manipulative,” she explains. When she told him that wasn’t the case, and she would just like to spend time with him on her birthday, he told her it “was a 'd*** move' that I got him gifts, saying she was trying to make him feel "obligated.” He also told her he was “unsure he can deal with a materialistic girlfriend."
- As you can imagine, folks on the Internet identified this as a huge red flag in this relationship.
- "Either he's trying to manipulate you in this case,” one person noted, “or he actually believes what's he's spewing and is incapable of receiving some sort of kindness without assuming there are strings attached."
- "My instinct is that he's going to use this to justify dumping her, now that he's gotten an expensive present from her," another shared.
- “This is a very serious warning sign. No one should be upset to get a gift and automatically think it is manipulative," another person commented. “My advice? Run fast and far before it’s too late (and return the gifts if you can).”
Source:The Mirror