If you’ve been striking out on dating apps, it might be time to slow things down. Take a break from the fast connections, and even fast breakups, and try a new dating strategy.To put it in cooking terms, Tinder is like a microwave for dating and what you need is more of a crockpot style.
Slow-dating isn’t a new concept but it’s one we seem to forget is an option in a world where you can swipe yourself a new match on demand. The whole idea is to focus on other types of connection instead of solely on physical intimacy.So not the three date rule for sex but more like the thirteen date rule.According to psychologist Kate Balestrieri, slow-dating is about “getting to know fewer people at the same time, so you can stay present with them and thoroughly evaluate the quality of the connection.”
Slow-dating is essentially the opposite of ‘hot vax summer.’ Instead of hooking up with as many people as you can and living it up to make up for lost time, you’re letting your matches know you’re holding off on sex and trying to get to know people on a deeper level. If this sounds appealing, dating coach Jess McCann recommends finding “three or four prospects [and] as long as you are not sleeping with any of them you can slow date them all.”It’s like your own little dating show where a no-touching policy is strictly enforced.