

I laugh at my own jokes so you won’t have to, but you probably will because I’m hilarious. Full Bio


People Give Their Favorite Comebacks When Someone Tries To Insult Them

Having a go-to comeback is a handy thing, after all, there are few things as frustrating as thinking about the retort should’ve had an hour after a situation presented itself. On Reddit, users were asked to share their go-to responses to insults. Here are a few to get you started:

  • “As a teacher, when a middle-school student called me a m…f….er, I replied with, ‘That’s right, son’.” (Laegmacoc)
  • “When someone is insulting me without any purpose, I just say, ‘Bad day, huh?” 90% of them immediately calm down and even apologize because they seriously had a bad day and had too much bad energy without a way to let it go.” (W4RR3NOO)
  • “Shouldn’t you be on a ledge somewhere?” (ShutTheMofoUp)
  • “I just say a random woman’s name didn’t love them. Only twice have I correctly named the person’s mother.” (BrotherBeam)
  • “Ask them to repeat themselves. And then do it again…and again.” (Global-AD404)
  • “My favorite is, ‘I don’t get it,’ and make them explain it in plain words.” (Stopbanningmegdit)
  • “Saying ‘God bless you’ either enrages or confuses them.” (hopenomo)
  • “I just say, ‘and then?,’ and keep saying it until they run out of insults.” (snotnif)
  • “If I cared, I’d insult you back…but I don’t?” (evilchilaquil)


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