Americans are some pretty great BS artists. A new survey has found a whopping three in five of us admit to “faking” their way through life.We’re not going to let not knowing things keep us from talking about them!
Near the top of the list of topics people most likely “fake” their way through is technology. Almost 40% admitted to being at a loss with new tech. Meanwhile, not trailing too far behind, 37% of Americans say they’re “faking it until they make it” while parenting.Anyone else regretting their father’s day gift now?
But when it comes to lying about how much we know something, Americans just can’t seem to admit they have no idea how their car works. An astounding one in two people admitted they’ve faked their way through an entire consultation for vehicle repairs.And we’re not good at it.Of those who have lied about their vehicle knowledge, three of four have been caught in the lie.
Source:Study Finds