If you’re looking for a great reason to get back into working out, how about this one. A new study has found exercise is the key to a better sex life. And here’s the best part. You do not need to spend every day in the gym to get the benefits.
According to the research, doing just four hours of exercise a week can boost women’s sex lives and increase the chances of orgasm. Meanwhile, women that worked out for more than six hours a week actually had reduced sexual satisfaction.Why?The scientist’s theory is going that hard may have caused “underlying body issues that lowered their enthusiasm for sex.”
As to why four hours is the sweet spot, there needs to be more studies to back it up but it could just come down to blood flow. Working out gets the blood pumping all over your body which means more heading in the direction of your dirty bits.There’s also the fact that working out also great for your self-esteem and happiness, both of which are nice to have when you’re completely naked in the same room as another human.
Photo: Getty Images