

I laugh at my own jokes so you won’t have to, but you probably will because I’m hilarious. Full Bio


Funny or Smart: Which is More Important When Dating?

We all say we want to be with someone who makes us laugh and makes us think…but do you really mean it?A new study may have found exactly what parts of someone’s personality we’re truly attracted to. And spoiler? You’re wasting your time if you’re advertising your IQ on your dating bio.

According to the research, having a sense of humor is hot AF. The researchers had women watch video clips of men and rate their intelligence, funniness, physical attractiveness, and mate appeal levels. In the end, they were able to pick up on how intelligent the men were but surprisingly, that actually made them less appealing. Meanwhile, being funny had the opposite effect.

So does this mean you should stop reading and start taking improv classes? Not really. The study makes a clear distinction between perceived intelligence and measured intellect. Turns out we like when someone appears smart, but not so much when a test can prove they really are smart. Good luck figuring out how smart is too smart though.

Source:Psychology Today

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