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Reopening Trends: Deodorant, Teeth Whitener Fly Off the Shelves

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Here’s some good news! The days of driving all over town or bartering with loved ones for a roll of toilet paper seem to be behind us. With vaccination rates climbing, people are moving on from their hoarding ways to concentrate on buying things that will help them re-enter civilization.

For example, deodorant, teeth whitener, and condoms are currently in high demand. And so are perfume, nail polish, swimsuits, sunscreen, tuxedos, luggage and even alarm clocks.Basically, all of the things we pretended to be using in quarantine are really hot right now.

According to Target’s Chief Executive Brian Cornell the first quarter of 2021 “felt like a first step towards a post-pandemic world.” Their stores saw a 60% rise in sales of apparel compared to last year. Dresses, cosmetics, sun care items, sporting goods, and activewear led the way which means the golden age of pajamas also seems to be coming to a close.RIP comfy clothes. You had a great run.

Source:Wall Street Journal

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