

I laugh at my own jokes so you won’t have to, but you probably will because I’m hilarious. Full Bio


42% of People Have Had a "Career Lightbulb" Moment During the Pandemic

Odds are your job looks at least a little different today than it did at the beginning of March. A pandemic will do that.

According to a new survey, almost two-thirds of people say they don't expect traditional office jobs will EVER come back after this.

But even if they DO come back . . . we don't want to go back to THEM.

The survey found 42% of people say they had a, quote, "career lightbulb" moment at some point during this year where they either figured out what they really want to do . . . or at least figured out that what they're doing now ISN'T it.

And two-thirds of people have been actively trying to get on a new career path. 

(Study Finds)

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