A woman’s hair is very important to her, whether it’s the style, color or even texture. But according to a new survey, it seems most gals aren’t taking care of their hair the way they should be, and they’re making some simple mistakes that could be ruining it.
A new UK poll, which could easily translate here, finds:
- 40% of women admit they didn’t know certain things could damage their hair, like brushing too hard or too soft.
- Among the top ways women are brushing their hair wrong include:
- Avoiding brushing when it's wet over fears this will break the hair
- Brushing too hard
- Brushing from the scalp downwards
- Using an old and worn hairbrush
- Using a hairbrush that isn’t specifically for detangling
- Sharing a hairbrush
- Ripping out big knots / tangles
- Not using a hairbrush specifically for their hair type
- Using a hairbrush that doesn’t have flexible teeth / bristles
- Using one hairbrush for everything
- When it comes to hairbrushes, experts say you should be using different combs and tools for different hair tasks.
- But it turns out, three quarters of women use the same brush for all their hair needs.
- More than half of women admit they don’t know if they are using he right brush for their hair.
- The average American updates their hairbrush every three years.
- As for women’s biggest hair worries, the top concerns iclude:
- Split ends (40%)
- Frizz (34%)
- Thinning (29%)
Source:SWNS Digital