Either our generation is more loving than older folks or we’re just worse with money. A new study says millennials spend the most when it comes to Valentine’s Day.
We’re apparently dropping an average of $208 on gifts, dinner, and entertainment. Meanwhile, Gen Xrs will be spending $160 and Baby Boomers spend the least at $101.Must be the early bird specials.
Experts attribute our spending bump on our need to impress.Not only are we more likely to be in newer relationships where we’re still trying to seal the deal, but we also have the added pressure of social media.Did your Valentine’s date even happen if you didn't Instagram it?
Not only are we spending the most, but we’re also demanding the most. A whopping 64% of millennials said they’re expecting their boo to spend money on them for V-Day and that it better be around $153.So you may want to skip those gas station flowers this year.
- You may have heard the holiday advice to set a budget with your bae but the survey says that strategy isn’t working. Even though close to half of people say do set a spending limit, only 10% of people say they actually stick to it.
Source:Fox Business