At the Apple press event on Tuesday, Apple(AAPL) unveiled the iPhone 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max, with four-figure price tags, and even a cheaper iPhone. The models replaces iPhone XS, XS Max and XR.
As always, Apple played up the improvements on the camera system, the battery life, and the hardware improvements. On the outside, the iPhones don't look different than last years models.
When it comes to the camera system, the iPhone 11 pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max will have three cameras on the back of the phone. Yes, THREE!
As for the battery life, the iPhone 11 Pro will last four hours longer than the iPhone XS and the iPhone 11 Pro Max will last five hours longer than the iPhone XS Max. WOAH.
The iPhone 11 Pro will start at $999, and the iPhone 11 Pro Max will start at $1,099. Which is the same as Apple charged for the iPhone XS and iPhone XS Max.
The new iPhones will be available for pre-order on Friday and go on sale in stores on September 20.
For more information: Apple