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Being Dumped By Text Isn’t So Out Of The Ordinary These Days

There are few things worse than getting dumped, but how exactly you get dumped could play a big role in how hard or easy it is to get over someone. And while you’d think the least someone could do is break up with someone face-to-face, the truth is a lot of people are doing a whole lot less.

A new UK poll, which could easily translate here, finds that 20% of people say they’ve been dumped via text message, while one in eight were actually ghosted, meaning they just simply never heard from the person again. And while this may seem cruel, apparently some folks would prefer the less personal approach to dumping. In fact, 13% of people would actually prefer to be dumped by text in order to avoid the humiliation of a breakup happening in a public place.

Of course not everyone is so cruel to dump someone by text. The poll finds that 25% of people have ended a relationship over the phone, while 20% have written a letter, although three quarters of people say the best way to break up with someone is in person.

And when you finally do decide to dump someone, it’s pretty much accepted that you have to give the dumpee a reason, with “we need to talk” the most popular breakup line.Other popular breakup lines include:

  • It's not you, it's me
  • We're looking for different things
  • I don't think I'm the right person for you
  • I've been thinking....
  • I need space
  • I'm not ready for a serious relationship
  • I just need some time for me
  • There's someone else
  • I don't know how to tell you this but....

Source:SWNS Digital

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