

I laugh at my own jokes so you won’t have to, but you probably will because I’m hilarious. Full Bio


Why Travel Is A Self-Care Benefit

Taking care of yourself is essential, and sure, the term "self-care" is pretty subjective. We all have our own ideas about what that means and the best way to achieve it. Whether it’s emotional, physical or spiritual, someone else's practices may not suit your needs. Get this: that is totally okay. The diff? That you’re putting yourself first and taking a break from the monotony of daily life.THAT is self-care.

Have you considered travel as a method for getting this done? Well, it most definitely is, and quite possibly the most satisfying. Travel breaks up your routine, engages your senses, and allows you to be present in the moment. You’re forced to embrace change, become more self-aware and exercise your brain. Oh, and traveling can really inspire some serious creativity too.For example:

· Haven’t you noticed when you return from vay-cay, you’re usually much more relaxed? Even if the trip was packed full of activities and you had a crazy nonstop itinerary, when you get back to the office, your shoulders feel a little lighter and you can breathe more deeply.

· Also, when you take a road trip to the middle of nowhere, you’re able to clear your head and free your mind more than usual.

See? Proof that you are practicing self-care.

So next time you think about dropping a couple hundo on a spa package(which we totally applaud, btw) try thinking outside the box. Maybe hop online and see what awesome last-minute flights you can find and go explore a city you've never been to. Not only will you treat your mind, body and soul, but you'll also build an epic Insta feed! Win-win!

Source:Brit + Co

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