Netflix Email Scam: Don't Click that Link

Netflix users are being targeted with new email scam. The Grand Rapids Police Department is warning against phishing scheme. 

If you receive an email that states your account has been suspended. Do not click the link to restart your membership. These emails are not legitimate and can give scammers access to your personal information.

The Grand Rapids Police posted this on Facebook:

Public notice of email scam: Netflix Users

We were recently made aware on an email phishing scam that we thought may be of interest to many of you. Over the last couple of months, an email from a fake account has been circulating to Netflix customers alerting them of the deactivation of their account because the company "could not validate billing information". The email then prompts you to click on a link and enter your personal information to include credit card numbers. This is not a legitimate email from Netflix and your accounts may be compromised/identity fraudulently used if you provide information.

If you encounter this email, or any email you believe to be fraudulent, close it out without opening the links. If you would like to check the status of any account that you have online, we recommend that you go directly to the website and login as you normally would.

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