Cop Moved to Tears After DWI Traffic Stop

State Patrol officer, Toby Lafave was moved to tears after a traffic stop which led to a DWI charge. 

Lafave pulled over a Cadillac that was flying down the highway at over 90mph. Inside he found a driver and a 6 year old girl with no seat belt on in the front seat. 

When asked about why she was driving so fast, she replied "I was scared of the freeway". She was returning home from a concert and was clearly intoxicated. 

After failing her sobriety test the driver was arrested and later made a plea deal. 

Lafave was pushed to tears when he opened the trunk of the car to reveal a stroller. In the video he appears visibly emotional saying "That makes my heart hurt. God, it breaks my heart"

Toby Lafave had the most DWI arrests in the state of New Mexico last year. 

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