Photo: Kennedy News and Media
Many people believe that women can't get conceive while already pregnant, and for the most part that's true, but it turns out that it is not always the case. In fact, one California mom, pregnant with a little girl, recently wound up getting pregnant with another baby.
Her name is Odalis and she told The Daily Mail that a few months after tragically suffering a miscarriage, she and her husband Antonio found out that she was pregnant again. Then, when she went to the doctor for her first scan, she got even more exciting news - that she was going to have two babies... but they weren't twins.
Odalis detailed the story, explaining how she had to go in for the scan without Antonio, due to COVID restrictions. Because of her earlier miscarriage, she was incredibly nervous they would find something wrong. The 25-year-old said:
"The doctor comes in and I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for anything and when she found the first baby and the heartbeat I was crying with so much happiness. And then she started going back and forth and I was wondering why - my mind just went to the worst-case scenario because of the traumatic experience that we had. That's when she told me that she had found another baby that also had a heartbeat. I was just crying with happiness. I felt like the first baby that we had lost was in the room with me and saying it was going to be ok."
That's when they let her know the craziest part - the babies were actually conceived five days apart. It's a phenomenon that only occurs in 0.3% of pregnancies and is so rare that some health professionals don't even believe it truly happens.
Photo: Kennedy News and Media
It was a scary pregnancy for Odalis. She said, "It was pretty terrifying throughout my whole pregnancy not knowing if that was going to be the outcome again. Hoping for the best but knowing there's always a possibility that things might not go as planned."
Her official due date was set by splitting the difference of the due dates of each of the babies, and on August 10, both children arrived safely. It was two little girls, Lilio, who weighed 6lb, 12oz, and Imelda, who weighed 7lb, 3oz. Odalis stated, "I feel like it's some sort of miracle that I experienced this double pregnancy. Because of our first experience, it made everything during this pregnancy feel so much more special and magical. Just how easy I was able to conceive, and knowing that I had two babies, I just felt like there was so much light after such a dark place. It was the best surprise ever."
As for her babies, even though they aren't twins, she admitted that they look so alike she and Antonio occasionally mix them up, revealing, "Antonio will have a baby for an hour and be like 'Oh Lilo' this and that and I'm like, 'You have Imelda,' and he will be like, 'What?' and I'm just there laughing because he was like, 'Oh my God for a whole hour I thought I had Lilo.'"