Photo: Getty Images
There have been many winners and losers on game shows, and viewers get to witness players' joys of victory and agonies of defeat, but what those watching the shows don't usually get to see is what happens next, when contestants leave the stage. One probably assumes that producers usher people away and everything moves smoothly, but on a recent episode of The Price Is Right, that definitely didn't happen.
A contestant named Kari, who missed out on winning a car during her game and ended up with nothing, also didn't have much luck spinning the big wheel in the "Showcase Showdown." She went to leave the stage, but instead of walking off of it, walked towards the back of the set, where there is no exit. She struggled to find a way off to no avail, then attempted to step over the scenery to get out, but was unable to leave doing that either, so, helpless, she stood for an awkward moment and looked at the camera like a deer looks at headlights. Eventually, she made her way in the right direction. All of this happened in the background as another contestant spun the wheel. That man, along with host Drew Carey, were oblivious to the hilarious scene unfolding behind them.
Some of the comments on the post included, "Bob Barker would have told her what to do," and "This would haunt me every day for years and years if it were me," and "Me trying to find the washroom in a restaurant lol."
The contestant might not have won a lot on the show, but as a consolation prize, she will have this amazing TV moment that she, and the rest of us, can cherish forever.